Heirloom Cherry Tomato "Vilma" (Solanum Lycopersicum Vilma)
A forum friend has kindly shared some heirloom tomato seeds that he bought from a hort-park bazaar fair. Hence, am grateful to get a chance of trying to grow this little Heirloom Cherry Tomato "Vilma" for the first time. I grew them in my DIY Hydroponic Growing Cups (created from recycled disposable plastic & paper cups) with hydroponic nutrients AB in it. The nutrients water were top up once every few days and change anout once every 2 months.
This little Vilma is a popular variety of tomato due to its compact and dwarf size that best suit in container growing especially for balcony and windowsill with limited space apartment.
It is belong to the tomato family of Solanum genus, Solanum Lycopersicum. This
determinate plant reached about the height of 45 cm (LECA surface to Apex).
The cherry tomato fruits were harvested on 128 days of the plant growth from seed. Each fruit is about 2-3cm diameter, weigh between 15-20grams. It has thin smooth skin, a little tange with strong intense tomato flavor. A super yummy snack to have.
Along the course of this little Vilma growth, pictures were taken and had decided to compile it into a growing journal clips just for fun.
Hope you'll like it too.. enjoy!
The DIY Cups "Naked Exposure" lol
Picture of harvest on 2 cherry tomato plants
(Red = Vilma Cherry Tomato; Yellow = Venus Cherry Tomato)
Video of Heirloom Cherry Tomato 'Vilma"