Monday, 9 November 2015

Amazing Experiment on Water - The Hidden Message in Water

Water - A utility we use and consume daily and is the initiation of all life form, holds a hidden message in it - Water has life and has consciousness! Water can hear, sense and remember our powerful words.
I decided to do an experiment on water in cook rice after watching several clips by Dr. Masaru Emoto famous research work. As we human is made up of mostly water, which is utmost important on the connectivity between them, as water can sense - especially our power word/speech (scientifically,  vibration).

Heres the youtube video of the experiment... Enjoy!

Friday, 16 October 2015

Heirloom Cherry Tomato "Vilma" (Solanum Lycopersicum Vilma)

A forum friend has kindly shared some heirloom tomato seeds that he bought from a hort-park bazaar fair. Hence, am grateful to get a chance of trying to grow this little Heirloom Cherry Tomato "Vilma" for the first time. I grew them in my DIY Hydroponic Growing Cups (created from recycled disposable plastic & paper cups) with hydroponic nutrients AB in it. The nutrients water were top up once every few days and change anout once every 2 months.

This little Vilma is a popular variety of tomato due to its compact and dwarf size that best suit in container growing especially for balcony and windowsill with limited space apartment. It is belong to the tomato family of Solanum genus, Solanum Lycopersicum. This determinate plant reached about the height of 45 cm (LECA surface to Apex).

The cherry tomato fruits were harvested on 128 days of the plant growth from seed. Each fruit is about 2-3cm diameter, weigh between 15-20grams. It has thin smooth skin, a little tange with strong intense tomato flavor. A super yummy snack to have.  

Along the course of this little Vilma growth, pictures were taken and had decided to compile it into a growing journal clips just for fun.

Hope you'll like it too.. enjoy!

 The DIY Cups "Naked Exposure" lol

Picture of harvest on 2 cherry tomato plants 
(Red = Vilma Cherry Tomato; Yellow = Venus Cherry Tomato)

Video of Heirloom Cherry Tomato 'Vilma"

Sunday, 11 October 2015

Leafy Lettuce in DIY Hydroponic Growing Bottle

Did an experiment growing Leafy Lettuce from seed for the first time in my newly created 
DIY Hydroponic Growing Bottle. 

Due to the lack of direct sunlight, the lettuce has grown into a nicely figured cascaded style!! And it started to bolt too.
And here the growth development log clip of this Leafy Lettuce...

Saturday, 10 October 2015

Fun with Moss (Embryophyte - Land Moss)

Moss, one of the few Bryophyte (embryophytes - land plants) on earth, that are so unique as compared to the usual plants we commonly know! Unlike plants that depend on tissue cells within them to transport water for growth, Moss do not have true vascular tissue to transport water within them. They depend on their surrounding environment to nourish themselves like raining, due and when we shower over them with water.

Moss propagate and reproduce via spore instead of seeds like common plant. They like damp and slightly acidic soil. But, they are really hardy IF AND ONLY IF the environment is in right condition for them to grow.

I've some moss grew naturally on my bonsai surface, which I think some spore may have flown from somewhere and somehow landed there (so we could have also breathe in some!!). Sometimes ago, I decided to do an experiment to grow them in several separate pots.

Since, I've enjoyed the fun of taking pictures, especially zoom-in to see their physical, and took some clips of them, and did few moss terrarium as can be seen in my video.


Friday, 9 October 2015

DIY Hydroponic Growing Container

Experimenting using used container boxes, which usually used for containing take-away cooked food from food stall holder. It is also known as Tabao box.

Using the same technique as my previous DIY Hydroponic Growing Bottle without utilizing LECA(Light Expanded Clay Aggregate) balls. Using wool to hold the seeds/seedlings to grow edibles. The cover of the TaBao box is slit with holes to holds the wool with seeds or seedlings, and the box is fill with hydroponic A & B nutrient solution as fertilizer/food for plants.

A video of how I created my DIY Hydroponic Growing Container is done to share with anyone who wish to try for themselves...

Below some harvested Cai Sim, which grown under bright light (no direct sunlight given as my premises is blocked by neighboring building), at 102 days.

Hope with the idea of recycle and reuse these "unwanted used boxes", we can reduce the waste at least for more use before it is dump away...

Happy gardening.

Monday, 15 June 2015

DIY Hydroponic Growing Bottle Experiment

Used mineral water plastic bottle

DIY its cap and ready for planting seeds

DIY Hydroponic Growing Bottle in Experiment
(from left : Strawberry; Basil ; Red Amanranth; Red Amanranth)

DIY Hydroponic Growing Bottle in Experiment
Various types of tomato plantlets(45 days old)

Here's the video of the making of my DIY Hydroponic Growing Bottle.
Enjoy, cheers!

Thursday, 5 March 2015

Wrightia Religiosa - Variegated Leaf Cultivar

Bought my first Variegated White Leaf Wrightia Religiosa from a local nursery on 13 Feb 2015. 
The leaves of Wrightia Religiosa are thin and elliptical in shape, yet this cultivar has the additional feature of curl/warp leaves with irregular patches of white on it. The new shoots are white in colour at first instance and green patch will appear more prominently as the leaf get larger/mature. 

14 Feb 2015, after 1 hour of work (Valentine TLC! lol) on this plantlet - a new bonsai has born! 
It is now stands at 150 mm in height.

Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Polyscias - Garden
An update of this little Garden bonsai. 
Those trees location is naturally-randomly located (its the branches from the buried stem) and has grown taller. The overall height now stands at 160mm. 

To see its previous state, click on the below link :

Friday, 16 January 2015

Wrightia Religiosa / Shui Mei / Water Jasmine (Double layer Flower Cultivar)

Purchased from a Nursery on 31 Jan 2011 (Marcotted)

Training in progress 13 Feb 2011

Training in progress 19 Jan 2014

Training in progress 12 Aug 2014

Training in progress 13 Jan 2015
Top View

Front View

Bottom View

Closed-up on the blooms

Here's the Youtube video, enjoy!!